Results for 'Ted J. Case'

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  1.  42
    Optimal body size and an animal's diet.Ted J. Case - 1979 - Acta Biotheoretica 28 (1):54-69.
    Within many animal taxa there is a trend for the species of larger body size to eat food of lower caloric value. For example, most large extant lizards are herbivorous. Reasonable arguments based on energetic considerations are often invoked to explain this trend, yet, while these factors set limits to feasible body size, they do not in themselves mathematically produce optimum body sizes. A simple optimization model is developed here which considers food search, capture, and eating rates and the metabolic (...)
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    A cognitive account of subjectivity put to the test: using an insertion task to investigate Mandarin result connectives.Wilbert P. M. S. Spooren, Ted J. M. Sanders, Roeland W. N. M. van Hout & Hongling Xiao - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (4):671-702.
    This article aims to further test the cognitive claims of the so-called subjectivity account of causal events and their linguistic markers, causal connectives. We took Mandarin Chinese, a language that is typologically completely different from the usual western languages, as a case to provide evidence for this subjectivity account. Complementary to the commonly used corpora analyses, we employed crowdsourcing to tap native speakers’ intuitions about causal coherence, focusing on four result connectives kějiàn ‘therefore’, suǒyǐ ‘so’, yīncǐ ‘so/for this reason’ (...)
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    Placebo acupuncture as a form of ritual touch healing: A neurophenomenological model.Catherine E. Kerr, Jessica R. Shaw, Lisa A. Conboy, John M. Kelley, Eric Jacobson & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):784-791.
    Evidence that placebo acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic pain presents a puzzle: how do placebo needles appearing to patients to penetrate the body, but instead sitting on the skin’s surface in the manner of a tactile stimulus, evoke a healing response? Previous accounts of ritual touch healing in which patients often described enhanced touch sensations suggest an embodied healing mechanism. In this qualitative study, we asked a subset of patients in a singleblind randomized trial in irritable bowel syndrome (...)
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    Aramaic Inscriptions (J.F.) Healey Aramaic Inscriptions and Documents of the Roman Period. Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, Volume IV. Pp. xviii + 369, ills, map. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Cased, £79, US$150. ISBN: 978-0-19-925256-5. [REVIEW]Ted Kaizer - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):560-563.
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    Salutary Ideology J. Moralee: 'For Salvation's Sake.' Provincial Loyalty, Personal Religion, and Epigraphic Production in the Roman and Late Antique Near East . Pp. xviii + 244, ills. New York and London: Routledge, 2004. Cased, £45. ISBN: 0-415-96778-. [REVIEW]Ted Kaizer - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):630-.
  6.  37
    A Palmyrene Temple A. Bounni, J. Seigne,N. Saliby: Le sanctuaire de Nabu à Palmyre. Planches . (Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 131.) 104 b/w and colour pls, ills. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1992. Cased. ISBN: 2-7053-0679-X. A. Bounni: Le sanctuaire de NabNabu à Palmyre. Texte . (Bibliothèque Archèologique et Historique 131.) Pp. iv + 122, ills. Beirut: Institut Français du Proche-Orient, 2004. Cased. ISBN: 2-912738-32-. [REVIEW]Ted Kaizer - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):678-.
  7.  46
    Mill on liberty.Ted Honderich - 1967 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 10 (1-4):292 – 297.
    The traditional objection to Mill's principle governing the interference of state and society in the lives of individuals is that it excludes interference only in the case of actions that harm nobody at all. Interpretations of Mill's essay which escape this objection have been suggested by J. C. Rees and Richard Wollheim. In one case Mill is said to have been concerned with harm to established interests, in the other with harm which arises by way of the beliefs (...)
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  8.  54
    Open-Label Placebo: Reflections on a Research Agenda.Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (3):311-334.
    Until recently, the medical community assumed that placebos required either concealment in randomized controlled trials or deception in clinical practice to elicit placebo effects. Henry Beecher emphasized this orthodoxy, when he stated that placebo pills only work "as long as it is not detected as a placebo by the subject or the observer" and therefore, patients "believe it [is a drug] and consequently the expected results occurs". The time was ripe for such ideas: Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive (...)
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  9. The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine.Ted J. Kaptchuk - 1986 - Philosophy East and West 36 (1):67-68.
  10.  52
    A Southern Agrarian View of the Politics of the Forties.Ted J. Smith - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):403-403.
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    On the Nature and Sources of Practical Necessity.Ted J. Smith - 1980 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 10 (4):379-396.
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  12.  68
    Soka-gakkai on the alleged compatibility between nichiren buddhism and modern science.Ted J. Solomon - 1980 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 7 (1):34-53.
  13.  31
    Causality, subjectivity and mental spaces: Insights from on-line discourse processing.Ted J. M. Sanders, Willem M. Mak & Suzanne Kleijn - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (1):35-65.
    Research has shown that it requires less time to process information that is part of an objective causal relation describing states of affairs in the world (She was out of breath because she was running), than information that is part of a subjective relation (She must have been in a hurry because she was running) expressing a claim or conclusion and a supporting argument. Representing subjectivity seems to require extra cognitive operations. In Mental Spaces Theory (MST; Fauconnier, Gilles. 1994. Mental (...)
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  14.  28
    Coherence relations in a cognitive theory of discourse representation.Ted J. M. Sanders, Wilbert P. M. Spooren & Leo G. M. Noordman - 1993 - Cognitive Linguistics 4 (2):93-134.
  15.  7
    On the nature and sources of practical necessity.Iii Ted J. Smith - 1980 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 10 (4):379-396.
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  16.  86
    To Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, May Do Patients Harm: The Problem of the Nocebo Effect for Informed Consent.Rebecca Erwin Wells & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (3):22-29.
    The principle of informed consent obligates physicians to explain possible side effects when prescribing medications. This disclosure may itself induce adverse effects through expectancy mechanisms known as nocebo effects, contradicting the principle of nonmaleficence. Rigorous research suggests that providing patients with a detailed enumeration of every possible adverse event—especially subjective self-appraised symptoms—can actually increase side effects. Describing one version of what might happen (clinical “facts”) may actually create outcomes that are different from what would have happened without this information (another (...)
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  17.  16
    In Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Writings of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963.Richard M. Weaver & Ted J. Smith - 2000
    Richard M Weaver, a thinker and writer celebrated for his unsparing diagnoses and realistic remedies for the ills of our age, is known largely through a few of his works that remain in print. This new collection of Weaver's shorter writings, assembled by Ted J Smith III, Weaver's leading biographer, presents many long-out-of-print and never-before-published works that give new range and depth to Weaver's sweeping thought. Included are eleven previously unpublished essays and speeches that were left in near-final form at (...)
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  18.  38
    Effect of Representational Distance Between Meanings on Recognition of Ambiguous Spoken Words.Daniel Mirman, Ted J. Strauss, James A. Dixon & James S. Magnuson - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (1):161-173.
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  19.  26
    Expectations from relative clauses: Real-time coherence updates in discourse processing.Jet Hoek, Hannah Rohde, Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul & Ted J. M. Sanders - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104581.
  20.  40
    Are open‐Label Placebos Ethical? Informed Consent and Ethical Equivocations.Charlotte Blease, Luana Colloca & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (6):407-414.
    The doctor-patient relationship is built on an implicit covenant of trust, yet it was not until the post-World War Two era that respect for patient autonomy emerged as an article of mainstream medical ethics. Unlike their medical forebears, physicians today are expected to furnish patients with adequate information about diagnoses, prognoses and treatments. Against these dicta there has been ongoing debate over whether placebos pose a threat to patient autonomy. A key premise underlying medical ethics discussion is the notion that (...)
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  21. Attentional processing and the independence of color and shape.M. J. Nissen, L. Case & L. Isenberg - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):349-349.
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  22.  58
    A Proximal Perspective on Disgust.Richard J. Stevenson, Trevor I. Case, Megan J. Oaten, Lorenzo Stafford & Supreet Saluja - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (3):209-225.
    The functional basis of disgust in disease avoidance is widely accepted; however, there is disagreement over what disgust is. This is a significant problem, as basic questions about disgust require...
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  23.  38
    Patient expectations in placebo‐controlled randomized clinical trials.David A. Stone, Catherine E. Kerr, Eric Jacobson, Lisa A. Conboy ScD & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (1):77-84.
  24.  5
    Ideas Have Consequences: Expanded Edition.Richard M. Weaver, Roger Kimball & Ted J. Smith - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    Originally published in 1948, at the height of post–World War II optimism and confidence in collective security, _Ideas Have Consequences_ uses “words hard as cannonballs” to present an unsparing diagnosis of the ills of the modern age. Widely read and debated at the time of its first publication,the book is now seen asone of the foundational texts of the modern conservative movement. In its pages, Richard M. Weaver argues that the decline of Western civilization resulted from the rising acceptance of (...)
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  25.  24
    Hope in Medicine: Applying Multidisciplinary Insights.Tobias Kube, Charlotte Blease, Sarah K. Ballou & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (4):591-616.
    Providing a concise definition of hope is challenging. Psychologists alone have proposed 26 theories of hope and 54 definitions thereof. The difficulty of finding a universal definition of hope was summed up by the philosopher Joseph Godfrey who admitted, "I'd rather have hope than be able to define it". Part of the problem is that the concept is the object of scrutiny across many different scholarly disciplines, each of which have their own, sometimes divergent, methodologies and interests in the concept. (...)
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  26.  37
    Mirror, mirror on the wall: placebo effects that exist only in the eye of the beholder.John M. Kelley, Patrick R. Boulos, Peter A. D. Rubin & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (2):292-298.
  27.  14
    Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain.Gary D. Fireman, Ted E. McVay & Owen J. Flanagan (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    We define our conscious experience by constructing narratives about ourselves and the people with whom we interact. Narrative pervades our lives--conscious experience is not merely linked to the number and variety of personal stories we construct with each other within a cultural frame, but is subsumed by them. The claim, however, that narrative constructions are essential to conscious experience is not useful or informative unless we can also begin to provide a distinct, organized, and empirically consistent explanation for narrative in (...)
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  28.  66
    The impact of psychological factors on placebo responses in a randomized controlled trial comparing sham device to dummy pill.Suzanne M. Bertisch, Anna R. T. Legedza, Russell S. Phillips, Roger B. Davis, William B. Stason, Rose H. Goldman & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):14-19.
  29. Patient expectations in placebo‐controlled randomized clinical trials.David A. Stone, Catherine E. Kerr, Eric Jacobson, A. Lisa & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (1):77-84.
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  30.  76
    Michael Hoskin. Discoverers of the Universe: William and Caroline Herschel. xvi + 237 pp., illus., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2011. $29.95. [REVIEW]Michael J. Crowe & Stephen Case - 2011 - Isis 102 (4):780-781.
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  31.  33
    (1 other version)The linguistic marking of coherence relations.Jet Hoek, Sandrine Zufferey, Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul & Ted J. M. Sanders - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (2):276-309.
    Connectives and cue phrases are the most prototypical linguistic elements that signal coherence relations, but by limiting our attention to connectives, we are likely missing out on important other cues readers and listeners use when establishing coherence relations. However, defining the role of other types of linguistic elements in the signaling of coherence relations is not straightforward, and it is also not obvious why and how non-connective elements function as signals for coherence relations. In this paper, we aim to develop (...)
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  32.  97
    A Critical Introduction to Knowledge-How.J. Adam Carter & Ted Poston - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    We know facts, but we also know how to do things. To know a fact is to know that a proposition is true. But does knowing how to ride a bike amount to knowledge of propositions? This is a challenging question and one that deeply divides the contemporary landscape. A Critical Introduction to Knowledge-How introduces, outlines, and critically evaluates various contemporary debates surrounding the nature of knowledge-how. Carter and Poston show that situating the debate over the nature of knowledge-how in (...)
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  33.  10
    The formation of voids in palladium, metal by the introduction and removal of interstitial hydrogen.J. F. Lynch, J. D. Clewley & Ted B. Flanagan - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (6):1415-1418.
  34.  45
    Organizing moral case deliberation Experiences in two Dutch nursing homes.S. van der Dam, T. A. Abma, A. C. Molewijk, M. J. M. Kardol, Jmga Schols & G. A. M. Widdershoven - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (3):327-340.
    Moral case deliberation (MCD) is a specific form of clinical ethics, aiming to stimulate ethical reflection in daily practice in order to improve the quality of care. This article focuses on the implementation of MCD in nursing homes and the questions how and where to organize MCD. The purpose of this study was to evaluate one way of organizing MCD in two Dutch nursing homes. In both of these nursing homes the MCD groups had a heterogeneous composition and were (...)
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  35.  21
    Cognition, Emotion, and Aesthetics in Contemporary Serial Television.Ted Nannicelli & Héctor J. Pérez - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book posits an interconnection between the ways in which contemporary television serials cue cognitive operations, solicit emotional responses, and elicit aesthetic appreciation. The chapters explore a number of questions including: How do the particularities of form and style in contemporary serial television engage us cognitively, emotionally, and aesthetically? How do they foster cognitive and emotional effects such as feeling suspense, anticipation, surprise, satisfaction, and disappointment? Why and how do we value some serials while disliking others? What is it about (...)
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  36.  26
    The Human Genome Project: what questions does it raise for theology and ethics?Ted F. Peters & Robert J. Russell - 1991 - Midwest Medical Ethics: A Publication of the Midwest Bioethics Center 8 (1):12-17.
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  37.  29
    A Conspectus of Determinism.Ted Honderich & J. A. Faris - 1970 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 44 (1):191-234.
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  38.  74
    Consciousness and the Limits of Objectivity: The Case for Subjective Physicalism.Robert J. Howell - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Robert J. Howell offers a new account of the relationship between conscious experience and the physical world, based on a neo-Cartesian notion of the physical and careful consideration of three anti-materialist arguments. His theory of subjective physicalism reconciles the data of consciousness with the advantages of a monistic, physical ontology.
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  39.  53
    (1 other version)Governing Well in Community-Based Research: Lessons from Canada’s HIV Research Sector on Ethics, Publics and the Care of the Self.Adrian Guta, Stuart J. Murray, Carol Strike, Sarah Flicker, Ross Upshur & Ted Myers - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (3).
    In this paper, we extend Michel Foucault’s final works on the ‘care of the self’ to an empirical examination of research practice in community-based research (CBR). We use Foucault’s ‘morality of behaviors’ to analyze interview data from a national sample of Canadian CBR practitioners working with communities affected by HIV. Despite claims in the literature that ethics review is overly burdensome for non-traditional forms of research, our findings suggest that many researchers using CBR have an ambivalent but ultimately productive relationship (...)
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  40. Retrieving the natural law: a return to moral first things.J. Daryl Charles - 2008 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    Introduction -- Contending for moral first things : Christian social ethics and postconsensus culture -- Natural law and the Christian tradition -- Natural law and the Protestant prejudice -- Moral law, Christian belief, and social ethics -- Contending for moral first things in ethical and bioethical debates : critical categories, part 1 -- Contending for moral first things in ethical and bioethical debates : critical categories, part 2 -- Ethics, bioethics, and the natural law, a test case : euthanasia (...)
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  41.  45
    AT LAW: She's Going to Die: The Case of Angela C.George J. Annas - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (1):23-25.
  42.  72
    The Case for Welfare Biology.Asher A. Soryl, Mike R. King, Andrew J. Moore & Philip J. Seddon - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-25.
    Animal welfare science and ecology are both generally concerned with the lives of animals, however they differ in their objectives and scope; the former studies the welfare of animals considered ‘domestic’ and under the domain of humans, while the latter studies wild animals with respect to ecological processes. Each of these approaches addresses certain aspects of the lives of animals living in the world though neither, we argue, tells us important information about the welfare of wild animals. This paper argues (...)
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  43. Biodiversity at Twenty-Five Years: Revolution Or Red Herring?Nicolae Morar, Ted Toadvine & Brendan J. M. Bohannan - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (1):16-29.
    A quarter of a century ago, a group of scientists and conservationists introduced ‘biodiversity’ as a media buzzword with the explicit intent of galvanizing public and political support for environ...
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  44.  26
    Closing the gaps among a web of DNA repair disorders.Rhett J. Michelson & Ted Weinert - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (11):966-969.
    As recently as six years ago, three human diseases with similar phenotypes were mistakenly believed to be caused by a single genetic defect. The three diseases, Ataxia-telangiectasia, Nijmegen breakage syndrome, and an AT-like disorder are now known, however, to have defects in three separate genes: ATM, NBS1, and MRE11. Furthermore, new recent studies have shown now that all three gene products interact; the ATM kinase phosphorylates NBS1,1 which, in turn, associates with MRE11 to regulate DNA repair. Remarkably or expectedly, depending (...)
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    Science and Culture.J. Agassi - 2013 - Springer Verlag.
    This work addresses scientism and relativism, two false philosophies that divorce science from culture in general and from tradition in particular. It helps break the isolation of science from the rest of culture by promoting popular science and reasonable history of science. It provides examples of the value of science to culture, discussions of items of the general culture, practical strategies and tools, and case studies. It is for practising professionals, political scientists and science policy students and administrators.
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  46.  23
    Extending Intensions: Exploring Deleuze and Guattari's Critique of Formal Logic in the Case of Intensional Logics.Michael J. Ardoline - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (4):459-484.
    In What is Philosophy?, Deleuze and Guattari critique the relationship between formal logic and philosophy. They argue that since philosophy is the creation of concepts that are intensional, and formal logic reduces concepts to their extension, formal logic then has no special providence to decide philosophical questions. This may strike the logic-inclined philosopher as outdated given that there are now formal intensional logics designed to model meaning rather than reference. However, it will be shown that these logics too fail to (...)
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  47. Arguing for shifty epistemology.J. Fantl & M. McGrath - 2012 - In Jessica Brown & Mikkel Gerken, Knowledge Ascriptions. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 55--74.
    Shifty epistemologists allow that the truth value of “knowledge”-ascriptions can vary not merely because of such differences, but because of factors not traditionally deemed to matter to whether someone knows, like salience of error possibilities and practical stakes. Thus, contextualists and subject-sensitive invariantists are both examples. This paper examines two strategies for arguing for shifty epistemology: the argument-from-instances strategy, which attempts to show that the truth-value of knowledge-ascriptions can vary by proposing cases in which they vary (e.g., the bank cases, (...)
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    Species Concepts: A Case for Pluralism.Brent D. Mishler & M. J. Donoghue - 1982 - Systematic Zoology 31:491-503.
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  49. The Ethics of Managerial Compensation: The Case of Executive Stock Options.James J. Angel & Douglas M. McCabe - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):225-235.
    This paper examines the ethics of contemporary managerial compensation in the context of executive stock options. Economic considerations would dictate that executive stock options should be adjusted to eliminate the effect of overall stock market movements which are beyond the control of the executive. However, in practice, most executive stock options are not adjusted to control for these outside factors. Agency considerations are the most likely culprit. Adjusting for the influence of outside factors, such as a generally rising stock market, (...)
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  50. Uniqueness, Evidence, and Rationality.Nathan Ballantyne & E. J. Coffman - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11.
    Two theses figure centrally in work on the epistemology of disagreement: Equal Weight (‘EW’) and Uniqueness (‘U’). According to EW, you should give precisely as much weight to the attitude of a disagreeing epistemic peer as you give to your own attitude. U has it that, for any given proposition and total body of evidence, some doxastic attitude is the one the evidence makes rational (justifies) toward that proposition. Although EW has received considerable discussion, the case for U has (...)
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